Lecture by Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
Peace Education Center
September 9, 2021
Category: Video

TED Talk: A Call for Moral Revival
Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II talk at TEDWomen 2018 on the organizing, mobilizing, and power-building among the poor and dispossessed that is the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

Poverty and inequality under Trump: human rights under threat
The Guardian
June 26, 2018
The Guardian partners with the UN and the Graduate Institute in Geneva to discuss a burning issue for America.
A panel debate with Philip Alston (UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty), Rev Dr Liz Theoharis (co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival), Kenneth Roth (executive director, Human Rights Watch), Catherine Flowers (rural development manager, the Equal Justice Initiative). Moderated by Ed Pilkington (the Guardian’s chief reporter in the US)
On Tuesday, 26 June the Guardian moderated a discussion at the Graduate Institute in Geneva to discuss a burning issue for America: how the country’s vast inequality and the Trump administration’s apparent determination to exacerbate it are posing a direct threat to human rights.

Bishop Barber and Rev. Theoharis call for a moral revival
June 23, 2018
MSNBC anchor Richard Lui discusses the moral issues involved in the separation of migrant children from their parents with the co-chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign, Bishop William Barber and Rev. Liz Theoharis. Bishop Barber says clergy members who don’t speak out against Trump immigration policies are committing malpractice.

Religious Leaders Shackled, Held in Jail Overnight, After Praying in Protest Outside Supreme Court
Democracy Now
June 13, 2018
Nine religious leaders were arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday in Washington, D.C., after participating in a national day of action for the new Poor People’s Campaign. They were handcuffed for five hours and jailed overnight in cells with cockroaches before being brought into court in ankle irons. The religious leaders were among 100 people arrested in Washington, D.C., Monday as part of the protests against poverty and racism. We speak with Rev. Liz Theoharis, who was one of the nine arrested Monday.

“It’s Time for Moral Confrontation”: New Poor People’s Campaign Stages Nationwide Civil Disobedience. Interview with Democracy Now!
Democracy Now!
By Amy Goodman
May 14, 2018
On Mother’s Day 50 years ago, thousands converged on Washington, D.C., to take up the cause that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been fighting for when he was assassinated on April 4, 1968: the Poor People’s Campaign. A little more than a week after her husband’s memorial service, Coretta Scott King led a march to demand an Economic Bill of Rights that included a guaranteed basic income, full employment and more low-income housing. Half a century later, Rev. Dr. William Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis have launched a new Poor People’s Campaign. Starting today, low-wage workers, clergy and community activists in 40 states are participating in actions and events across the country that will culminate in a mass protest in Washington, D.C., on June 23. We speak with Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, co-chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

Poor People’s Campaign Revival: A Season of Organizing: Interview by Sharmini Peries
The Real News
December 17, 2017
As the 50th anniversary of MLK Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign approaches, organizers want to take up King’s mantle to “unite the bottom of this country, to bring about real change, to shift the narrative that is demonizing people for the problems they’re facing and to build power from the bottom up,” says campaign co-chair Dr. Liz Theoharis
SHARMINI PERIES: It’s the Real News Network I’m Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore. In 1968, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. along with other civil rights leaders launched a Poor People’s Campaign. It was an effort to end poverty, racism and militarism in America.

Imagining Jesus – The End of Poverty
Manhattan Neighborhood Network
Interview by Jim Vrettos for The Radical Imagination
April 30, 2017

Eerdmans Author Interviews: Liz Theoharis
Eerdword: the Eerdmans blog
April 24, 2017
Matthew 26:11 is a verse Liz Theoharis hears often. In her work to end poverty, “the poor you will always have with you” is almost daily quoted at Theoharis as an argument that her work is futile.
Learn more about the context of this verse and Theoharis’s new book on the topic Always with Us? What Jesus Really Said about the Poor in our interview below

Faith leaders urge Trump to reject extremism
Interview by Jonathan Capehart
December 31, 2016
On New Year’s Eve, a century old tradition in the black church will take place in Washington, D.C. Two of the leaders of the “Watch Night,” Reverend Dr. William Barber and Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis join Jonathan Capehart to discuss this as well as their fight for social justice.