Co-Create Community in Abundance: A Conversation with Liz Theoharis

Co-Create Community in Abundance: A Conversation with Liz Theoharis

New Way: The Podcast of the 1001 New Worshiping Communities Movement
May 9, 2024

“The Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis grew up in activism and stops at nothing to name, reclaim, and live out God’s solidarity with the poor and downtrodden. Rev. Liz is the Executive Director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, & Social Justice; and the Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, a National Call for Moral Revival. 

In part one of our two-part conversation, Liz tells us why her work sharing God’s call to end the abomination of systemic poverty fills her with hope; and why she recommends we let our children see us work for justice, too.”

The Math of the Bible: More with Liz Theoharis

New Way: The Podcast of the 1001 New Worshiping Communities Movement
May 16, 2024

“In part two of our conversation, we do a little Bible study together, and allow ourselves to be challenged and formed by the Scripture.”